
About Pineapple

Pineapple was born out of several cups of Milo Peng, a few hours of scrolling to find baby gift and two person with a plan to make baby gifting a little better.

Baby hampers shouldn't just be for hippy instagramers or some florist shops sticking flowers on a 6-pack bird nest. It should be about a gift that is super presentable but without the huge price tag.

Say hello to Pineapple!

imgDebbie and Nick of Pineapple people

Once upon a time in downtown Singapore..

downtown Singapore logo 1

Two peeps are scrawling through the land of the internet trying to find baby gifts suitable for a baby shower they are going to attend next week. Guess what, baby gifts are expensive! A toy and blanket can cost $$$!

downtown Singapore logo 2

They then hike into the Amazon and Lazada jungle looking for more appropriately-priced presents but found a bunch of individual gifts that are just not presentable. The two peeps also wanted something personalised with the baby's name. Where are they!

downtown Singapore logo 3

The few hampers that they bought are pretty meh and some of those from China are even worse. "That's it." they said. "Let's do this!"


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Take me there already

About the Pineapple People.

Pineapple people Nick

Nick has a perculiar passion for quality and business. He spent his free time thinking of ways to add value to Pineapple's customers through a value chain analysis. See? That's how nerdy he is.

Pineapple people Debbie

Debbie is the more normal one among the two but don't let that fool you. As a mother, her superhuman perseverance means Pineapple is ran properly. On her free time (like 15 minutes each day), she likes laughing at her own jokes.